I started this class with feelings towards creativity that I feel (even now) are pretty typical for the average person. This scares me because as I have become more educated about creativity, being creative, teaching creativity, teaching creatively, etc, most other people are still in the same place.
I used to think that creativity meant that you were artistic. I probably used the words synonymously. I now know that creativity is simply the ability and willingness to think differently, think critically, think outside the box. This means risking being wrong or criticized, but the results are often worth the risk. I hope that as both a student and a teacher that I have improved in my ability to “be creative.”
I think the first few assignments were the most difficult (the can transformation jumps out at me). I do not think that the assignments were necessarily that difficult, but I was not yet ready to throw myself into the assignments. As I learned more about the creative process, thinking creatively came more easily to me. By the time I got to the metaphorical cartoon, I knew that there was no real wrong answer—I am free to express myself however I like! I am my only (and biggest) roadblock and limitation.
From here I hope to continue to expand my creativity both in my instruction and in what I expect to my students. This is perfect for my current position as my school is a creative arts and science magnet school—there is no better place to be creative! Also through my OM team, babysitting, etc, I have plenty of platforms to continue to practice the activities that I have learned.